
Before embarking on any chages or upgrades to your home, it is a really good idea to get an overview of how your house 'works' and what changes and products could improve it and make it more environmentally friendly - we call this an eco-audit. 
An eco-audit is an audit of both the house’s intrinsic efficiency (e.g. in terms of heating and lighting systems, water provision, draught-stripping and insulation, ventilation), and also in terms of how efficiently the building is used. The aim is to develop an ‘ecowise’ house where both the building and the users use the minimal amount of energy to live comfortably.
We will visit your house, survey it in terms of the building’s thermal efficiency and energy use, and draw up a list of (costed) options which can be taken to make the house more efficient, more comfortable and cheaper to live in. We will also (if desired) analyse the way the building is used – how efficiently or inefficiently the occupants use the building, what changed behaviours could save a lot of money as well as reduce the carbon footprint of the building.
The Eco-audit will cost €180 and will consist of a site visit, and the production of an eco-audit report on the building, with a menu of suggested improvements and their rough costings. The suggestions will be typed up but also presented face to face so that the homeowner can explore the possibilities in greater detail.
At the end of the process, the houseowner should be in a good position to make informed decisions as to what improvements to make, and in what order of priority. The €180 initial cost will soon be earned back by money saved from improvements. However, doing an eco-audit does not commit the owner to implementing any of the suggestions whatsoever – its aim is to provide independent and experienced advice on possible options.